Today’s Wealth Management Obligatie’s – Variant I

Today’s Wealth Management gaat uit van systematische modellen om haar beleggingsbeleid voor cliënten in vermogensbeheer vorm te geven. zonder systematiek kan een beleggingsbeleid snel vervallen in de “waan van de dag” an dat is in onze ervaring funest voor een goed en consistent rendement binnen een uitgebalanceerd risico.

What does the bond investor do with rising interest rates? – Part 4 Currency management

(publication date: 10 May 2017, original published on 7 April 2017) The Dutch text version of this article can be found on: Introduction In our search for an answer to the question in the title, we concluded in Part Three that the Carmignac Global Bond Fund showed a rising net asset value during the […]

What does the bond investor do with rising interest rates? – Part 3

(publication date: 17 March 2017) The Dutch text version of this article can be found on: Introduction Before you is part three of a series of articles in which we discuss how you as an investor can deal with an environment where long-term rates rise structurally. In Part 2, we discussed two funds in […]

What does the bond investor do with rising interest rates? – Part 2

(publication date: 10 March 2017) The Dutch text version of this article can be found on: Introduction Last week we started a series of articles in which the central question is, what investors should do in an environment where interest rates rise structurally? In part 1 we discussed the current yield structure, the relationship […]

What does the bond investor do with rising interest rates? – Part 1

In 2015 we wrote a series of articles in which we wondered what the bond investor should do in an environment where interest rates do not structurally fall, but instead rise over a long period of time. Like many, we were on the early side, but now this question has become extremely relevant.